Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Charter North s High School Basketball Team - 1790 Words

Mastery Charter North’s high school basketball team made it to the finals of the Pennsylvania state tournament last year and are looking to improve this year. This paper will discuss how they plan on being successful again. They will depend on their group traits to keep them bonded together. Also they have some players stepping up and taking leadership roles, after the leaders from last year left. As a team Mastery Charter North are considered a social group, they are a small group of individuals who interact with each other over an extended period of time in order to achieve a goal. Within their group they all follow group traits, which are the common properties, dynamics and qualities that make up a group. First they have a clear goal or purpose set for the year which is to improve on last year’s performance. They want to prove their success in the previous year was not a fluke and they deserve to be in the higher division. In order to achieve their goal, they will need group interdependence, or the mutual dependence between group members. Coach Cook shows the importance of this throughout the article. He talks about the importance of each player, he sees Plowden and Alvis as the stars but mentions how they need the players around them to make the team successful. Also Plowden shows he sees the importance of the team working together in order for them to be successful when he said, â€Å"Everybody comes in, plays hard and knows their role. I think having everybody know theirShow MoreRelatedCollege Preparatory High School1476 Words   |  6 PagesNorthside College Preparatory High School (Chicago, IL) With a unique focus on physics, technology and constitutional law, Northside College Preparatory High School is far from your average magnet school. All of its classes are available at both Honors and Advanced Placement level and more than 95% of students go on to graduate. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Social Inequality Within a Society - 1764 Words

Neil Fadia Carreras 10 LA 3 10 May 2012 Social Inequality Within A Society Throughout history, social classification has been a basis of economic and social stability. Social classification was introduced to even the predecessors of human civilization, the Mesopotamian civilization. But, due to natural flaws within the structure of the social classification system, this system concluded in becoming biased towards the upper class and unrighteous toward the lower class. Because social classification consistently had flaws which made the system more prejudiced to the lower class, throughout historical times, social classification primarily affected a society in a negative manner.†¦show more content†¦Atticus Finch. Bob Ewell is extremely enraged because Dr. Atticus Finch fought against his sister, Mayella just to protect a â€Å"nigger.† This novel conveys a meaning of class struggle and its relative consequences. Because Atticus accepted to protect an innocent African – American man, he upset the entire Maycomb town and almost got assassinated. Multiple classic novels such as To Kill A Mockingbird, transmit an idea of social inequality, and class struggle to overcome the social inequality. They also communicate relative consequences for class struggle. One such novel which conveys a meaning of social inequality and a rigid class structure is the novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. In this novel, citizens are predestined to be in one class while in their embryonic stage. While the Alpha embryos are conditioned to excel in academics, the Epsilon embryos are poisoned with alcohol in order to diminish all forms of independent thought processes from their brains. Though the citizens of the Brave New World are in a constant state of confinement, they are educated to become and stay appeased with their servitude. Even though the lower classes in this novel are content with their position, this does not excuse the fact that the lower classes were conditioned to become satisfied with their servitude and that th eir free will was completely ignored. According to the character named Mustafa Mond in the novel, Brave New World, ‘â€Å"Liberty to be inefficient andShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality And Sexism Are Common Social Issues Within Today s Society1856 Words   |  8 Pages Gender inequality and sexism are common social issues within today’s society. I believe for a while now, men were thought of as the stronger sex, thus they were the ones who â€Å"brought home the bacon† while the women stayed at home, taking care of the children and keeping the house neat. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Then and Now Free Essays

Then and Now use the following form to describe your dally routines before you were a college student versus a typical days routine now that you are a college student. Using the form as a reference, answer the questions that follow in at least 50 words each. Daily Routine Form Day Before college After college Sunday Wake up, eat, take care of the kids, fix around and just relaxed up, eat, take care of the kids, watch movies with them,and Just relax, and sometimes make sure I did finish all my school work Monday Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids get my aught ready for school drop her off, go to work am-pm, pick up my daughter, get back home, feed the kids, play with them, watch TV, fix dinner, get them ready for bed Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids and me, take my daughter to school do 2 hours of school work, flu lunch get dress go to work 3-11 pm get back home make sure the kids are k and sleeping do 1 hour of school watch TV and go to sleep Tuesday Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids get my daughter ready for school drop her off, go to work am-pm, pick up my daughter, get back home, feed the kids, play with them, watch v, fix dinner, get them ready for bed Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids and me, take my daughter to school do 2 hours of school work, fix lunch get dress go to work 3-11 pm get back home make sure the kids are k and sleeping do 1 hour of school watch TV and go to sleep Wednesday Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids get my daughter ready for school drop her off, pick up my daughter, get back home, feed the kids, play with them, watch TV, fix dinner, get them ready for bed Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids and me, take my daughter to school do 2 hours of school work, ix lunch get dress go to work 3-11 pm get back home make sure the kids are k and sleeping do 1 hour of school watch TV and go to sleep Thursday Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids get my daughter ready for school drop her off, go to work take my daughter to school, fix lunch, pick my daughter up from school, feed the kids, play with them, fix dinner, get them ready for bed. We will write a custom essay sample on Then and Now or any similar topic only for you Order Now Friday Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids get my daughter ready for school drop her off, go to work am-pm, pick up my daughter, get back home, feed the kids, play with them, watch TV, fix dinner, get hem ready for bed Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids and me, take my daughter to school do 2 hours of school work, fix lunch get dress go to work 3-11 pm get back home make sure the kids are k and sleeping do 1 hour of school watch TV and go to sleep Saturday Wake up, fix breakfast for the kids, go to work am-pm, get back home, feed the kids, play with them, watch TV, fix dinner, get them ready for bed Wake feed the kids, play with them, fix dinner, get them ready for bed. Daily Routine Questions 1. What are the major differences in your daily routine now that you are in school? The major differences in my daily routine now that IM in school and before are. When I wasn’t in school I use to work the morning shift, and after work I had pretty much the rest of the day to Just cook and play with the kids or Just waste time, now I work the night shift 3-11 pm I use my morning time to make sure the kids are taken care of and as part of my routine I incorporated time for school in the morning as well as at nights after I get back from work 2. Do you have an effective balance in the use of your time and your priorities? Why or why not? I believe I have a pretty effective balance on the used of my time and my priorities cause so far so good , I haven’t had any problems or issues Just yet, I always been to turn my assignments on time, and be able to expend time with my kids, and not neglect them anything 3. Describe your biggest obstacle to completing projects or assignments and how you will overcome it? Although o have a pretty effective balance of my time I would have to say my biggest obstacle to complete projects or assignments on time would be managing time. Up until now Vive been pretty good at it, but having two kids, working full time and being back in school can get a little crazy and hectic especially when my kids get sick, I’ll just have to have a backup plan for unexpected events such as them getting sick or me getting sick. 4. What are some time-management strategies you have learned this week that you can implement immediately? How will you use them? Some of the time management strategies I have learn this week is keeping a time log, this is a helpful way to determine how you are using your time, use a planning tool, get organized and schedule your time appropriately by Develop blocks of study time effectively manage my time by organizing and proportioning tasks such as schoolwork, How to cite Then and Now, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Management Report of Toyota Motor Corporation †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Management Report of Toyota Motor Corporation. Answer: Introduction The Toyota Company remains one of the fastest growing multinationals with its outlets spread in most countries across the world. The unique management structure in addition to effective leadership styles serve as some of the main reasons behind the companys organizational success. Despite the fact the company deals with a relatively wide market base which may be characterized by hefty consumer demands and changing trends, the company has remained clinical in its execution of operational strategies. It is equally a fact worth noting that the Toyota Company comprises over 100 outlets spread in different locations depending on the various factors and the business environment. One of the leading plants is the Altona Manufacturing plant located in Australia. The others are situated in ripe market areas like Europe, Asia and the United States of America. Good infrastructure, stable economic environments as well as comfortable business policies are some of the core determinants before the c ompany sets up an outlet base. However, the business environment tends to change as one moves from one country to another (Dunning, 2003). This transition could be attributed to changes in consumer behavior, government policies, socio-economic factors as well as the level of economic growth. Consequently, the managerial approach implemented in one location may be inapplicable in a different country due to this dynamic nature. It is therefore appropriate for a manager who is changing his place of work, to have a substantial knowledge of some of the aspects which may impact his working life and hence managerial approaches (Bray and Waring, 2009). This report basically covers the human resource and the employment relations issues which may impact a new managers working strategies especially when the change involves switching countries. Employment Relations Issues The relationship between the employees and their employers is a sensitive aspect in business organizations which requires the necessary attention. As a manager, it would be important to have an in depth understanding of some of the crucial aspects which have a direct impact on the performance of employees (Campbell, 2002). It is even more important for a leader to note the management approaches which have a direct impact on the reception of the employees. Some of these aspects include the rights of employees in terms of age and the minimum remuneration the employees may be entitled to. In line with employee relations, the report highlights some of the issues which may impact the managers working life. Time The minimum duration that an employee is supposed to be at their place of work tends to differ from one place to another. This largely depends on policies set aside by the government to regulate the treatment of employees. For instance in a 24-hour economy, an employee is likely to take longer periods at work compared to the case in a 12-hour economy. For instance in the United States, the set period for work may differ from the nature of operations in Australia. As a result, the manager may have challenges adjusting to these changes especially when it comes to delegation of duties as well as sharing of responsibilities (Collings and Wood, 2009). For a 24-hour work schedule, there may be an inevitable need to adjust the managerial commitment to adequately cover all the working hours. These strategies ought to be meted out with the necessary caution to ensure that the employees are neither underworked nor overworked Wages brackets The minimum wage as depicted by both the government regulations and the stipulations of the trade unions also tend to vary as one moves from country to another. As a manager, it is important to note the aspect which escalates the levels of motivation among the employees (Dabsheck, 2000). The remunerations given to the employees in return for their services ought to be vital in enhancing their desire to offer more to the company. When the wage levels are low, the employees are less likely to stay aggressive in giving their best to the company. Such work environments lead to low output by employs which culminates in various managerial challenges. The wage ranges in Australia tend to differ from the stipulated brackets in the United States. As a result, a manager moving from Australia to the US might face challenges especially when they try to remain rigid with the former wage levels (Daft and Armstrong, 2009). Employment Age The other crucial aspect when it comes to employment in organizations is the aspect of age. The legal stipulations placed to govern the process of employment by companies equally tend to take dynamic trends hence changing from one place to another (Glisson, 2008). For instance, the law allows organizations to employ individuals who have attained the age of 18 and above. It is interesting to note that this line varies from one country to another. While some countries state the employment age at a relatively lower level for instance, 16-years, in other places, an individual is not considered to have attained an employment age unless they are 20-years or over. The employment age in Australia is definitely different from the case in the US where in some industries; even individuals below the age of 18 are absorbed depending on the union policies (Gomez-Mejia and David, 2008). In line with this aspect, the manager is likely to face challenges when it comes to finding the right people for the job. The Toyota Company being an industrial multinational comprises various departments and channels which require the right expertise and experience in order achieve both managerial and organizational success. As such, certain employment regulations such as the aspects of age might minimize the managers options as they choose the right employees (John, 2001). The other challenge that might arise in line with the aspect of age is variations in managerial approaches required to deal with individuals of different age groups. The organization is likely to comprise both young and old employees each of which may have different work philosophies. Since it is the common that a new manager is likely to come with his own work philosophy into a new work environment, the reception of employees to these leadership approaches may act as an impediment to successful leadership. Employment Requirements With references to government policies regarding business operations in a country, the requirements set aside for employment also vary from one place to another. At the same time, the companys policies play a crucial role in determining the minimum qualifications which an individual must have in order to qualify for employment at Toyota Company. It may be a challenge for the manager especially when it comes to harmonizing the government policies and the trade union polices with the companys policies (Johnason, 2009). For instance in the United States, academic qualifications such as degrees and diplomas are considered important yet this may not be the case in other countries such as Australia. Failing to employ an individual based on their academic qualifications may result in legal challenges especially when the new manager is not in full knowledge of academic qualification related employment issues. Changing Employee needs The other employment relations issue which may affect the managers bid to implement his strategies at the new place of work is the dynamic nature of the employees needs. It is a fact worth noting that the work cultures, personal initiatives and individual commitments at the place of work tend to vary from individual to another (Kerensky, 2002). The situation equally changes from one country to another. This therefore implies that the employees in the US based company might present needs that may prove overwhelming to the manager in one way or the other. Such needs may include requests for pay rise, frequent time offs and perhaps resignations depending on the company situation (Klerck, 2009). Some of these aspects may be beyond the managers ability especially when several employees choose to resign from their posts at the same time due to dissatisfaction at the place of work. It would therefore be important to understand the various employee needs and respond to them as efficiently as possible in order to enhance their levels of commitment at work and specifically to Toyota Companys core goals and objectives. Human Resource Management Issues The human resource fraternity forms the most instrumental segment of an organization. The people employed to aid in the achievement of an organizations goals and objectives remain pivotal in enhancing organizational success. As a result, it is always a crucial requirement for every manager to ensure that the human resource fraternity is at its best at all times. The strategy may involve the use of appropriate leadership strategies, decision making skills as well as motivational approaches (Levi, 2007). Failure to use the right channels might cause a new manager to face various HRM related challenges at the place of work. Some of the issues are highlighted below. Diversity The United States similar to most developed countries has its industries characterized by an extremely diverse workforce. Individuals from various walks of life enter the country in search of employment and other opportunities for development. The US itself comprises individuals who are different from each other along the aspect of race, religion and culture just to mention but few. At the same time, the Toyota Company being a multinational tends to employ workers from different walks of life hence the human resource fraternity at the US based company is equally likely to comprise a diverse workforce (Levi, 2002). Diversity comes with a myriad challenges especially for the manager who has to deal with individuals with varied ideologies and approach to organizational aspects. For instance the differences in terms of cultures and backgrounds may be accompanied by challenges to effective communication within the organization. When the work force comprises individuals who speak different native languages and have a low understanding of the formal language in America, communicating ideologies to such individuals may be a challenge. This is basically caused by variations in the nature reception to messages (Paauwe and Boon, 2009). Consequently, poor communication leads to slow movement of information within the organization which in turn slows down other crucial processes. Poor communication as a result of work force diversity is therefore one of the major issues likely to impact the new managers work in the United States. Additionally, diversity at the work place can be illustrated by differences in gender and age. Depending on the legal stipulations outlined by a country on the treatment of employees, there is the need for equal opportunities presented to both the males and the females within an organization (Peetz, 2006). It may therefore be a challenge for the manager when it comes to obtaining a common ground for all the workers despite their gender, age, religion and sexual orientations. For instance in the United States, the law is particular on unfair treatment of individuals based on their sexual orientations. As such if the managers personal philosophy abhors people with unique sexual orientations, he is likely to face a challenge if he installs strategies which go against the host countrys stance on equal treatment of people despite who they are. Diversity also involves variations in culture. The cultural beliefs and activities tend to differ from one place to another. For instance, the Australians are characterized by given cultural orientations, practices and beliefs. This may not be the case in the United States. Consequently, the manager may have problems bringing together a people whose beliefs are diverse. There are leadership strategies and approaches which may not augur well with the American culture, in case of such situations, the workers are likely to take longer period of time adjusting to the new change in leadership. When such challenges are not sorted in good time, they may go a long way in slowing down the process of organizational development (Trevisani, 2016). Motivation In order to keep the worker force committed to the organizations goals, there is need for appropriate motivational structures within the company. Good motivation is determined by a carefully established reward structure which covers all the aspects and departments within an organization (Posey, 2012). The new manager may face challenges in the new place of work especially due to the fact that the motivational needs of the human resource fraternity varies from one country to another. Consequently, using a rewards scheme similar to what was being applied in the former place of work may not operate effectively for the manager in the United States, At the same time, the manager may have challenges adjusting to the already established reward scheme may be another challenge for the manager (Punch, 2006). It would therefore be important to establish the necessary adjustments on the leadership strategies which are likely to improve the motivational levels at the new place of work. Leadership Approaches The human resource, despite its pivotal role, is a complex body which requires the most effective leadership structures. In case the manager intends to overhaul the work philosophy, the workers reception to this transition may either be detrimental or constructive in line with the organizational performance (Riemann, 2008). The manager is therefore likely to face a number of challenges bringing in his leadership approaches at the new place of work. Some of these ideologies may be different from what the workers are used to. This may result in the workers resistance to this change in leadership which in turn prolongs the period the manager needs to settle at the new place of work. Recommendations The report outlines some of the employment relations and human resource management issues a manager changing places from Australia to the US is likely to face. In line with the issues highlighted above, a number of recommendations can be fronted. To begin with, the manager needs to have a good understanding of the policies established by the US government as well as the trade and workers unions. The regulations tend to differ from one place to another hence having a good grasp of the situation in America would enable the manager to make the necessary prior adjustments (Robert, 2003). The other recommendation would be the managers need to embrace flexible leadership approaches which would adequately cater for the varying employee needs as one moves from one place to another. The leadership strategies also need to be effective enough in handling the issue of diversity at the place of work. When these issues are not adequately addressed, vital processes such as decision making and the o verall organizational performance are greatly influence. Conclusion In this report, a number of issues related to employment relations and human resource management have been highlighted as some of the challenges likely to be faced by the manager in his new place of work. In line with the aspect of employment relations, the report notes the aspects of changing employee requirements, time, age and the variations in government policies on management of business organizations as some of the issues which are likely to impact the manager in his new place of work . In line with the aspect of human resource management, changing motivational needs, differences in reception to the new leadership approaches as well as diversity at the place of work have been outlined as some of the issues likely to impact the managers working life. It would therefore be necessary for the manager to make the necessary adjustments in terms of leadership approaches, ideologies and philosophies in order to ensure that the change in work location will have the least negative impact on the performance of Toyota Company in the United States of America. References Bray, M. and Waring, P. (2009) Employment Relations: Theory and Practise. Sydney: McGraw Hill Campbell, J. (2002) Personnel training and development. Annual Review of Psychology, 22(1), pp. 565602. Collings, D. and Wood, G. (2009) Human resource management. London: Routledge. Dabsheck, B. (2000) The Australian Waterfront Dispute and theories of the state. Journal of Industrial Relations, 42(1), pp. 497-516. Daft, R. and Armstrong, G. (2009) Organization Theory and Design. Toronto: Nelson. Dunning, J. (2003) Multinational enterprise and the global economy, England: Addison-Wesley Publishers. Glisson, M. (2008) Productivity and Efficiency in Human Service Organizations as related to Structure, size and Age. The Academy of Management Journal, 23(1), pp. 21--37. Gomez-Mejia, Luis R. and David, B.(2008) Management: People, Performance, Change. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 20 John, W (2001) Industrial Law and Governance New York: Dryden Press. Johnason, P. (2009) HRM in changing organizational contexts. London: Routledge. Kerensky, K. (2002) Analysis Methods in Comparative Employment Relations. Harlow Longman, London. Klerck, G. (2009) Industrial relations and human resource management. Journal of Management, 2(1), pp. 1-6. Levi, M. (2007) Gender Based Issues at the Workplace, London: Tavistock. Levi, M. (2002) The organization and the Workforce. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Paauwe, J. and Boon, C. (2009) Strategic HRM: A critical review. Journal of Management, 4(2), pp. 23-27. Peetz, D. (2006) Brave New Workplace: How Individual Contracts are changing our Jobs. Sydney: Allen Unwin Publishers. Posey, R. (2012) Modern Organization Theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 5 (4), pp. 609611. Punch, M (2006) Dirty Business, London: Sage Riemann, J. (2008). The Minimum Wage Laws, Boston: Allyn Bacon Robert, M. (2003) Employment Relations, London: Butterworth. Trevisani, D. (2016) Communication for Leadership: Coaching Leadership Skills. Medialab Research, 34(1), pp. 23-34.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Population and Water Resources free essay sample

Abstract Water is a finite resource which means that the total amount of water in the planet is only limited. Its supply remains the same and yet human population recently grows resulting to a decrease of available amount of freshwater per person. The relatively small amount of available freshwater elaborates on how critical it is for everyone to help preserve and maintain clean, healthy lakes and streams, our sources of water. Water is mostly now being wasted because it is under-priced. We do not realize the significance of it. Also, the uneven distribution of water resources has led to the stage of scarcity in a number of regions. The paper aims to find possible ways on how to stop mans actions of wasting and teetering on the planets supply of water. Water is lifes matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water. -Albert Szent-Gyorgyi For survival, man depends on water. We will write a custom essay sample on Population and Water Resources or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It circulates and goes through our bodies, replenishing nutrients and carrying away waste materials. Water came from the ice-capped mountains, melted and eventually became rivers and to oceans. It is the most distributed substance on our planet, and in different amounts it is available everywhere and plays a major role in human life. Of most importance is fresh water. No activities of human being and life is impossible without it because it can be substituted by nothing. In different histories, water has been a facet of ritual. Civilizations have emerged in different countries. The Chinese civilization originated in the Yellow River (Huang Ho) and the Egyptian from the Nile River. Both rivers have the ability to produce fertile soil, which made it easy for cities to spring up alongside the banks. The Earth’s supply of water remains the same and yet the world population continues to grow. Apart from the population increase and the low rainfall in many densely populated areas, demand for water has risen for other reasons. In the world today, progress and prosperity go hand in hand with a reliable water supply. Fresh water is renewable only by rainfall, at the rate of 40,000 to 50,000 cubic kilometers per year. But due to the intensive urbanization, deforestation, and industrial farming, the earths surface is drying. If present trends still persist, the water in all river basins on every continent could steadily be depleted. Contamination by pollutants has seriously degraded water quality in many rivers, lakes and groundwater resources reducing the supply of water for human use. While the increase in population alone has increased the challenges to water management, particularly in the area of sanitation, the greatest threats are from a wide variety of industrial and agricultural sources. Drinking and tap water are often wasted because they are under-priced. The cost of using or mis-using water is paid either by commonly the user or at large by the community. As water demand continues to increase, it becomes even more important to see that it is directed to high-valued social uses. As the population increases, the amount of freshwater available per person decreases. Man has been moving unsteadily on the edge of a global crisis that is being worsen by climate change, which are shrinking glaciers and raising sea levels. Between 1900 and 1995, world demand for water multiplied by six, twice the rate of population growth over the same period. The six billion people use nearly 30% of the world’s total accessible renewal supply of water. By 2025, that value may reach 70% and yet billions of people lack basic water services, and millions die each year from water-related diseases. According to the United Nations, more than one billion people living on earth already lack access to fresh drinking water. Just as our bodies require water to dispose of waste products, abundant water is required for proper sanitation. Food production would also be dependent on water. Many crops, of course, are watered by rain, but in recent times irrigation has become the key to feeding the worlds rapidly growing population. Today 36 percent of the worlds harvest depends on irrigation. But the worlds total area of irrigated cropland reached a peak about 20 years ago, and it has been falling steadily since then. If a large amount of water flows out in our home and if we have a hygienic toilet that conveniently flushes away waste, it may be hard to believe that the world is running out of an adequate supply of water. Only 20 percent of mankind enjoy such luxuries. In Africa, many women spend as much as six hours a day fetching water and frequently it is polluted.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Creating a logo using ICT Essays

Creating a logo using ICT Essays Creating a logo using ICT Essay Creating a logo using ICT Essay The hardware I used to produce my coursework was the school computers. I completed the work in lesson time, and did research in my own time. With the use of Windows XP on the school computers, I used Microsoft Word to complete all word processing tasks as well as using the mail merge technique when creating my wage slips. I used Microsoft Excel to do my calculations. I used Microsoft Paint to create my company logo, and Microsoft Publisher to scale the image. Company logo A newer computer could have made a difference because an improved graphics program could have made my company logo look more professional. The 2 main categories of software used are Operating systems and Applications software. The Operating System is the name given to software that enables applications software and the rest of the computer system to work. A computer will not be able to function without an Operating System. The most popular types are DOS, Windows 95, 98 and ME, Mac OS, Windows NT and 2000, UNIX and Linux. Each has 5 main tasks: 1. To permit applications software to converse with the systems hardware. 2. To enable the application (e.g word processor) to operate. 3. It manages system resources. E.g, it allocates RAM to particular tasks and in a network, it decides what resources to give to individual users. 4. It monitors and observes the performance of the system, and gives prompts and error messages to the user. For example, it will tell the user that a floppy disk is full and that a new one will need to be used, or that the application is low on resources. 5. It operates utilities such as virus-scanning software. The software I used were Microsoft Word, to word process my reports. I used Microsoft Excel to do automatic calculations, which helped to produce my wage slips. I used Paint to produce my logo, I could have used a more professional program such as Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop to make my logo look more professional. The input devices are: * Keyboard These are the most common input devices, each of the keys on a keyboard are connected to a switch that closes when the key is processed. If the user is quite new to computers, the process of typing can be slow. * Mouse A mouse is very easy to use, there are usually 2 or 3 buttons on a mouse. When the cursor is placed over an icon, for example, the mouse buttons can be clicked, double clicked, or right clicked. Sensors measure the movement of the ball, and from this, the computer can work out the direction and distance the mouse has travelled. * Scanner With scanners, a picture is passed through it and is converted into digital data. One of the benefits of using a scanner is that the image can be manipulated and edited. * Camera -They are like scanners, they save an image as a series of dots known as pixels. The Image taken can then be uploaded to a computer and also may be edited using a photo editing software. I didnt make use of the camera or scanner; my coursework could have been improved by using the scanner to scan in a drawn logo. The output devices are: * Printer The printer I used is a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4050, which was the only printer we could have used. Its a laser printer, meaning that the data can be sent to the printer in complete pages, one page at a time, they are similar to photocopiers. Advantages are that, they are very quiet, very fact (10 pages a minute), and the printing produced is in very high resolution and can produce high quality documentations. The most cost effective printer would be the ink jet, as I costs less than laser printers and produces better quality printouts than dot matrix printouts. * Monitor also known as VDUs (Visual Display Units) are used when visual information is needed and is most commonly used as an output device. User guide for system * Firstly turn on the machine and log onto the network by entering your username and password, then, let the network load. * Open the application the needed to create the logo, in this case its Paint. Use the various tools on the left hand side and the extensive colours on the bottom to create the logo. * When you are happy, click on File at the top left hand side of the screen then Save give it a file name then click on the drop down button next to Save as type and save it as a JPEG, these are better than bitmaps because JPEGs are much smaller in file size. * The mouse is only really needed in this program unless you need to enter a number in order to rotate the graphic to a certain degree. * Next, open the spreadsheet application; in this case it is Microsoft Excel. Enter the various data and formula into the cells using the keyboard. * When this is done, go to File then Save and choose a file name before clicking Save. * When printing, click File then Print choose the desired number of copies you wish to print then click OK. * To shut down the system, simply click the Start button on the bottom left hand size of the screen, then Log Off. User Documentation The system must be tested both during building and after it has been built. As the name suggests, user documents are written to help the people who will perform tasks using the system. They give instructions on how to perform tasks, it can be hard to write because it needs to be written in simple language form so the users can clearly understand what it is they need to do. A good tip would be to pretend that the person reading it is thick! In my user documentation, to make it better, I would break it down into smaller steps so it is easier for the person who is reading it to understand. A trouble-shooting guide is a way of help if you unsure of what to do in the program you are working on. In the Microsoft applications I used, such as Word or Excel, the shortcut key to bring up the troubleshooter is F1. A common problem that I came across during the coursework was that the computer crashed in the middle of a word document, the problem was resolved by rebooting the system, but it would then be hit or miss, as my work would either be lost or recovered. How ICT has benefited the system IT has helped my system in a number of ways: Advantages It helped create the wage slips in a much more quicker and efficient way, by using the mail merge technique; it saves time instead of producing 10 separate wage slips. Using ICT saves on storage, you can keep a database with all your employees information, which saves keeping information in large filing cabinets, it also take time to search for a particular employee. In work, fewer staff are needed to look after the computer system and more than one person can access the same data from their network P.C Disadvantages The disadvantages of keeping your employees information on your computer would be that, information could be lost, or your computer may catch a virus, causing all your files to be infected thus, having to wipe off all memory from your system. The system would also need to be kept secure and away from hackers, meaning that the system must be maintained by people, therefore, training costs could be high Setting up a computer system or network can be very expensive. Systems for large organisations can cost millions of pounds. Even though they are very comprehensive, computer systems are not perfect, if there is a system failure, important data could be lost. My system I worked on the school computers, the system worked good, however it was quite restricting due to some of the features that you could not access. An alternative solution would be to use my home computer, but that would mean not being able to do any work in lesson time. Given more time, I would.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Biology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biology - Assignment Example The number of cups of coffee should also depend on how much the escort and the professor can wager. 4. I believe the cups should not be identical. Perhaps there should be 3 designs and 4 pieces each, so 12. Maybe the design can affect the result of the experiment. I believe one kind of design is glass, another is plastic and the other is ceramic, because the coffee or milk might taste different with different material of the cup. If possible, I would like to prepare some cold and some hot, because it is possible that temperature might also affect the taste of the coffee or milk. 5. The order that the cups should be presented must be random so the only way I could think of is by jumbling the arrangement of all 12 cups but the escort and professor should take note which cup has milk or coffee added first. After that, any random cup from the group of 12 cups can be given to the model until she finishes tasting everything. 6. I think if she has guessed at least 75% of the cups correctly (minimum of 9), then we can say that the hypothesis is true. If we decide only after 50%, then maybe it is not enough and maybe she is just a good guesser. 1. The hypothesis I chose was different because it was a practical hypothesis. According to Fisher, if we use a null hypothesis we can exclude the possibility that the order of the cups has an influence on the results. However, if we use another hypothesis, then there might be confusion. So it is better to say that the order of the cups and other factors have no effect on the ability of the model to distinguish whether coffee or milk was added first. 2. My answer was the same as Fisher’s. I thought that â€Å"if only two cups are given to the model, then she will be able to simply freely guess whether the first cup had milk added first or if it is the second one.† According to Fisher, if only 3 cups can be chosen, then complete success can be achieved by pure chance. 3. I said the